Sunday, October 4, 2015


um.....hi.  i'll admit i am writing this with blushing cheeks.  embarrassed that my last post was in spring.  i totally tanked the blog this summer.  oops.  i guess that's what happens when you have your house on the market and are busy playing with, disciplining and raising small humans.  

just a quick photo recap of summer.  it was wild.  summer with four kids is no joke. it felt like we were running a frat house at times.  late nights.  later mornings.  meals whenever we remembered them.  messes everywhere i looked.  pack a bag, go somewhere, drive home, drop it wherever.  do it again tomorrow.  the van was a constant nightmare.  

it was good.

i think the pictures speak for themselves.
although i wish there were more.
snapping a photo takes a back seat to wiping butts and wiping noses these days.

but maybe some memories are made for the heart and not for a scrapbook.
i'm starting to be okay with that.

can you even handle this outfit?

the naps.
oh, the naps.
necessary for babies and mommas.
best when they happen all together in one big bed.

must they make these faces EVERY time?

there was nothing overly phenomenal to write about.
lots of little trips here and there.
someday, we'll do a big vacation.
but for now, that idea gives me a migraine and they seem to be just as happy to go to the local park as anywhere else.

we've got the feel for this family of six thing.
it can be wild.
but wild is fun.

i'm back to work, peach is rocking first grade, tulip is doing the preschool thing like she was born for it and we sold/bought a house!

GAH!  there's a new motto in this house:  no pressure, no diamonds.
we can do hard things!

summer was good.
fall?...even better ;)