Friday, September 20, 2013

tying the knot

so,....i've been feeling sorry for myself lately

Peach entering the world of pre-school has signaled another end to her baby days:
She's no longer little enough to nap.

Nap time has been a sanctuary of sorts for me
Just that little quiet window in the middle of the day...
time for me to hear myself think
to pray
to read my Bible
to throw in a load of laundry without someone wanting a piggy back ride down the stairs
to cut up veggies for supper without little fingers wanting to get in there and "help"...

and i'm not above admitting that nap-time has often provided the brief snooze on the couch that got me through the rest of the day without completely losing my marbles.

but now she's decided that she's done napping....

we still "rest"
but it's not the same

so, i was feeling sorry for myself that i had lost this all-important island of peace
but then i made one of those decisions that has to be made over and over and over again in life

do what you can
with what you have
and make it beautiful

so.....just the other day as naptime commenced, Peach announced that she was ready to tie her shoes.

funny how she's almost always ready for the next thing before i am

i convinced her to "rest" on the couch for a bit with some books while i got a few things done around the house and promised that i'd be back upstairs in no time to teach her

around the tree
swing past the knot hole
pull and see!

it didn't take long before she had it down

today i'm trading nap time in for a new path with this inquisitive little lady
i might not look as bright eyed and bushy tailed as i did during my nap-time days, but i've got a four year old who has an ocean of exciting things to learn and do, so i'm hopping in with her
both feet
no looking back

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