Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Just look at her...isn't she a gem?

She's so happy...so content...soooo smiley!  Everyone comments on what a good baby she is.  And I agree.
I had commented in a previous post that I wouldn't change a single thing about her.  That's true...mostly.  However, as my little Tulip is growing, I do have one small complaint:
The girl won't sleep.

She's still got me up multiple times during the night.  And she's genuinely hungry, so I can't ignore her pleas.  Now that I'm back to work, her restless nights are taking their toll.

Hubby is helping as much as he can.  And for that, I am so grateful. But, even when he takes a turn with her, I lay there listening and waiting for him to return.  Something in me just can't rest until everyone is back to peaceful slumber.

I'm trying to tell myself that this doesn't last forever.  I'm trying to cherish the middle of the night and early morning snuggles.  

I know that this time is a gift.

But its hard, too.

I've cried big, exhausted tears over this.  I want so badly to be the mom, teacher, wife that everyone needs.  
But I'm just...so...tired.

I'm well aware that this is nothing new.  All moms go through this.  I'm certainly not the first.  And I knew that this was part of the deal when I asked the Lord to bless my life with children.  So its not like this comes as any surprise.  But, when you're in the midst of it, you'd give almost anything to be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I truly believe that God cares about the little details in our lives.  He's got billions of individuals to care for, many with much bigger problems than mine.  But I really believe that He cares about the small stuff, too...so I'm posting this and praying for some much needed rest in the hopes that I'll have good news to report soon.

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:1


  1. Bless your heart, Sweet Baby. When my wee ones were tossing to and fro in the wee hours, I did not carry an outside job. So, although I was pooped, I could sleep during the day to 'catch-up.' Can't imagine facing Spanish-slashing middle schoolers after a bout of little sleep. Prayers your way, Leah the Krog.

  2. Are you still nursing? Haidyn was doing that same thing to me until I stopped nursing. Since then she has slept all night every night. It was VERY difficult to make that decision to stop nursing, especially since she was my last baby and I enjoyed it so, but I HAD to sleep! Maybe that would help?? Just a suggestion. Hang in there! I always think of the Darius Rucker song when times get tough with my babies, "It won't be like this for long"!
