Sunday, October 30, 2011

october extras

My camera and I were inseparable this month.  I have so many pictures that don't really have a story, but they're still meaningful to me.  So, here are my leftovers,.

I can't really remember why I took these pictures of their clothes.
As you can tell, I don't really need much of a reason to take a picture.
I probably just saw their little hangers holding their adorable outfits and it made me happy...
so why not capture it?

Tulip's toys....her favorite one is the frog that makes crinkly noises when squashed between her chubby hands.  It makes me smile to see her react to that funny noise like its the first time every time.

Peach went nutso on writing letters one day.  Well...more like she kept drawing pictures and then dictating to me what to write along with instructions on whom they should be sent to.  I'm proud of her for appreciating snail mail...hope that sticks.

Love this pic...

I am sooooo in love with this stuff that I found at Walgreen's.
Who knew that Frankinscence and Myrhh were making a comeback?
It is supposed to be for diaper rash, but I sneak in Tulips room and use it as chap stick at least twice a day.

Sweet cradle that Peach found at a garage sale

My new favorite breakfast.  Our grocery store just started carrying these and I AM ADDICTED!

Peach on the phone with Grandma and Grandpa
"You wan' see my new necklace?  Okay, I'll show it to ya'.  It is yight there next to my other one."

Hubby and I chuckling in the background....

Every once in a while, a girl just has to give in to this craving.
And living with a 2-year-old is the perfect excuse.

Peach had a bit of a runny nose, so we broke into our stash of essential oils to fix her up good as new.

coffee with friends

Can't believe I captured this lady bug on Tulip's toe before Peach got a hold of it.  She thinks they are the greatest and tells me she's just "holding" them, when really she's squashing them.

My punkin'

gorgeous weather that just begged us to be outside

some fun acorn treats that we made for our friends
thanks to another blogging momma who gave me the idea!

Peach's memory verse from church.
Ooooohhh, it is so adorable to hear her little voice reciting truth

projects....and lots of 'em
I need a bigger fridge!

a new hat

starting the day in Momma's bed

leaving our jammies on extra long

Mister Bear wearing Tulip's Halloween socks

And lastly, I couldn't let October pass without snapping some pictures of raking leaves and the fun that comes with it...

There you have it...a few little treasures that made this month downright delightful!

We'll see if I can tone down my snap-happy picture-taking next month.  But with the holidays comin' up, I have a feeling that the camera and I will be close friends again in November.

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