Tuesday, November 1, 2011

happy heart

I walked in on this scene today....

...and my heart just melted.
I stood there in the kitchen for a minute and watched these two, who I lived so long without.  I know I was happy then...before them.  But did I smile nearly as much?  Did I laugh as hard?

I can't remember.  All I know is that watching them together at the kitchen table just enjoying each other's company made my heart happy.

Peach did most of the talking while Hubby did most of the listening.  She jabbered about nothing in particular and he just sat there, coloring and enjoying that moment with her.

I'm sure she has no idea how fortunate she is to have a dad who cherishes her like this...but I do.  And until she's old enough to tell him how much it means to her, I'll remind him how much it means to ME that he takes the time to love her like this.

I'll admit...I got a little teary standing there, listening to them sing and laugh and talk.  It seems silly,  I know.  But I'm grateful that scenes like this are normal around our house.

When I ended my eavesdropping and showed up with my camera, I got the eye roll from Hubby (seriously, more pictures?) and an inviation from Peach to join the fun.

I know that moments like these are just little things.
But they are little things that I want to remember...the little things that make up our family.
The little things that make my heart happy.

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