Thursday, December 29, 2011

Merry Everything

Christmas this do I describe it?   It was better than I imagined.  And I've got a ton of pictures to prove it.  The gifts, the togetherness, the singing in the car....mmmmm - it was divine.

seriously...when it starts like this, how can it not be perfect?

 On Christmas eve, we woke up to stockings that had been filled by Santa.  Enjoyed a nice, relaxing morning exploring the fun new presents we'd opened the night before.  
Then, after naps, we got the girls all dolled up in their Christmas best

then headed to Hubby's parents' home where we attended Christmas Eve church.

My favorite part was the candle-lit "Silent Night" at the end.

got back to their house just in time for Christmas goodies.

we opened a few gifts that night and saved some for the next morning

Peach got "Don't Spill the Beans" from auntie and uncle

Tulip was spoiled with all kinds of new toys and clothes, but in the end, her favorite thing was an old cup.

Peach got out daddy's old toys and loved them up.

we all crashed before the rest of the company came

eventually, the house was bustling with cousins and aunts and uncles...including some who had not yet met Miss Tulip

as the sun was setting on Christmas, we packed up the car and headed to my parents' home, where the merry-ness was just beginning

 we exchanged gifts, stuffed ourselves with delicious food, stayed up way too late and finally sank into bed

only to continue the togetherness the next morning

since Auntie H had to work on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, we saved a lot of the gift opening for when she could join us on the 26th

Peach unwrapped some fun new clothes and accessories for her beloved Baby Stella

Tulip got this fancy home made headband made by Auntie H

Peach also got some new toys for her kitchen, including a blender and coffee maker

And Tulip scored some baby kicks - or leg warmers - whatever you want to call them.
I call them darn cute!

Peach was thrilled about this hot wheel!
She loved the fact that she got to open it outside!

back inside, Tulip found some books in her stocking

I could not resist a million pictures of those chubby legs in tights!

more hand made goodness - aprons made out of hot pads and towels

some of our favorites!

this might have been my most loved gift for the girls - a crib that my momma played with as a little girl, given to them by their great-grandparents

and this gift? deserves a post of its own for all the fun that was had with it.  more pictures to come later

I didn't take pictures of the gifts Hubby and I received.
However, my favorites included:
Norwex Dusting Mit
Homemade Bread Baking Dish
External Hard Drive...for all my pics!
Fancy new scarves
and an iPad!

The Hubster scored a new shovel, some fancy sweaters (including argyle!) and a golf bag

goodness sakes, did we have fun!
the only part i didn't love was unloading it all and finding homes for everything once we got back.

but, it was good to be home
good to be with the people we love most
good to celebrate Jesus and the gift that He is

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