Monday, March 19, 2012

get away

Although this winter was milder than any other I can recall, I'm still delirious with happiness over the arrival of spring.

I don't know if it is the thrill of digging out my spring wardrobe and finding all of my faves, including things I'd forgotten I had...
or if it is being bitten hard by the cleaning bug and getting everything shiny and clean in preparation for summer...
or the way that the breeze flows through the house when I open up all the windows.

But, regardless, I'm giddy.
And going to my parents' house for the weekend was the cherry on top.

And as if all that goodness wasn't enough, my brother and his wife joined us for the whole day Saturday and brought their new pup, Louie.
Also known as Louis Vuitton, Sweet Baby Lou, LuLuBelle or any number of other "Lou"-inspired names that come to mind.

After loving up this little guy, I don't know how much longer we'll be able to hold Peach off on a dog.

The void that Mya left just refuses to be filled.

Auntie H brought treats and projects.
We love her for a million could you not?

oh, sweet baby lou...I could snuggle the day away with you.

after the wee little ones were tucked away, the boys watched movies and the girls got crafty.
my weekend project was getting ready for Tulip's birthday - the invitation above is a sneak peek!

three walks to the park on Saturday finally satisfied Miss Peach's pleas for time outside

she insisted on bringing a stethescope

And Tulip refused to give up this phone.

As you can see, I've learned to pick my battles.

being together
on a beautiful day
at the park
squeals of laughter
fresh air
the promise of warm weather...
tell me, how does it get any better than this?

my little lizard just loves to stick out her tongue

double slides...
or sister slides, if you're Peach

this one...she melts me

yes, I finally ended up with the stethescope
it was quite the accesory for my weekend sweats and loafers, wouldn't you agree? :)

and the look on this face pretty much sums up our weekend
awesome in every way.

hello, spring!

1 comment:

  1. i love your photos Leah! You have a great gift for both writing and photography! Your mom hasn't changed a bit! She was always one of my favorite teachers... her and Mrs. Place - oh and Mrs. Kidd! Anyway, I love your blog... :)
