Tuesday, May 7, 2013

a sparkly story

well...there they are:  three of the four gifts that just keep on giving

and even though i should be taking this time to sleep, our littlest (we'll call her sparkle) is snuggled up on my chest and i'm in the mood to relive the story of the day she arrived

so, here goes...
saturday, april 27th
i was exactly 39 weeks pregnant
we woke up, got dressed and decided to get a cinnamon roll at our favorite coffee shop
the girls wanted to go to the park and the library
it was a beautiful day and their wish was our command.
so, off we trotted, scoring some great books and a glorious morning of swinging and playing

little did i know it would be our last morning as a family of four

we headed home for lunch and naps
i laid down with the girls, snuggled in and soon i heard the rythms of their breathing turn slow and peaceful
i was just dozing off when i felt a mild contraction
i'd been feeling them off and on for a few days, so i tried to go back to sleep.

10 minutes later, another
and another 
and another

unable to sleep, i got up and washed a few windows
the contractions went from 10 minutes to 8 to 7 to 5....but still nothing terribly painful

i went out in the yard where J was working, to tell him what was up
he wanted me to call the hospital
they said to come in
i was a little skeptical...i didn't want to get the people who were going to watch Peach and Tulip to our house just to be sent back home

but, the contractions started to come regularly at 5 minutes and then 4....so we made the call

1/2 hour later, J's awesome teaching partner and her daughter were at our house, ready to love up our littles

i smothered them each with kisses, knowing that everything was about to change

i held things together until just before we left.
we couldn't find peach.
she was in her bed, covers up to her nose, crying.
when we asked what was wrong, she said, "momma, i'm going to miss you.  is it going to hurt?"

i had never experienced HER being worried about ME before
i crumbled

but j got me out the door and to the hospital we went
i wasn't progressing very far, but the nurse sent us on a walk.
it was 70 degrees and beautiful
walking with j and talking about this new baby was such a treasure

when we got back to the hospital, they decided to keep me
we called my parents and got something for j to eat

about 7 pm i was admitted
by 9 my contractions were constant and awful
i had about one really horrible hour, then the on-call anesthesiologist came and gave me my epidural

i had about 20 minutes of rest before the nurses decided it was time to push
10 or 12 pushes later, i heard the words "it's a girl"

and i can tell you that even though it was the third time hearing those words,....they were no less magical this time around

we sat and marveled at life with three healthy girls
and thanked God for this little jewel
we spent a few hours just looking at her, cheering her on as she nursed and trying to decide who she was

j went home around 3 am because he wanted to be the one to tell peach and tulip the big news

the next day, my hospital room was bustling with family and friends

i've got so much more to say about this little petunia
but tonight i'm tired and tomorrow there will be three perky little girls to wake up to

so, i'll save more pictures and ramblings for another day

blessed are we to have you in our family, little miss sparkle

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your story. I love the photos of your girls.
