Saturday, February 15, 2014

keepin' the romance alive

i came into the kitchen on friday morning to find this

after 8 years of marriage and 3 kids, he's still romancing this lucky girl

as if an x and an o in my toast weren't enough, j then pulled a most heroic stunt

because his students arrive at school almost an hour and a half after mine, he's the get ready guy in the mornings

i stick around just long enough to get their hair done and j gets to spend the mornings making and cleaning up breakfast, dressing our petunias and then hosting dance parties, reading stories and blasting FROZEN music to get the kids groovin' before heading off to day care

he has monumental task of getting all three of them IN their coats, hats, mittens and boots and buckling them into car seats
a few short blocks later, he gets anoher min-workout as he gets them OUT and delivered to bonnie's house

it might not sound like that big of a deal...if you've never bundled up a kid and gotten them in a carseat in subzero temps

but trust of the reasons i love this guy is that i can trust him with such a giant task

back to valentine's day...i was going about my business at school, waiting for the kiddos to arrive when i came up from the office, greeted my advisees and saw j walking down the hall with all the kids and a box of donuts

peach held them out and said something she'd obviously been practicing, 
"donut you want to be my valentine?"

awwwww....go ahead and melt my heart why dontcha?

they also brought FROZEN pictures of Olaf that they had colored and written "you're worth melting for" on ;)

as i smothered them with hugs an kisses
tulip was quick to assert that she'd really love it if i didn't actually eat the donuts, but brought them home so she could eat them for dessert.

i was persuaded to go with this plan when she promised she'd eat all her supper, no matter what it was ;)

when we arrived home we had not one, not two but THREE awesome packages on our front steps.

according to the kids, it was an AMAZING mail day

grandma T
and auntie C
have picked up on the pirate love

and who doesn't love a random mustache straw?

we spent the rest of the night watching the olympics and playing crazy 8's

we're keepin' the romance alive in the wacek house...
but after all the chocolate that daddy brought home from his students,
i'm afraid these kids will never go to bed!

even sparkle got her fill of mini M&Ms

i know we could have gotten a babysitter and waited for hours to get into a restaurant
but i guess these days i'm more of a peanut butter and jelly toast, heart-shaped pizza and donuts for dessert kind of girl ;)

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