Monday, July 28, 2014

As we have opportunity, let us do good

Galatians 6:10 has always been a favorite verse of mine.
I remember highlighting it when I was in middle school...

"As we have opportunity, let us do good to all people."

What a challenge...
What a beautiful motto for our lives.

And you don't have to look far to find that opportunity.

J had the brilliant idea of bi-monthly date nights....I was game.
Then he suggested a homeless shelter....well, why not?

I literally googled (heaven help the days before google) ways to help in the Twin Cities and got 85 thousand hits.  Really,'s not hard.  Pick one.  I promise, you won't regret it.  We have been volunteering at this little gem for the past few months and it has quickly become one of our favorite places...on PLANET EARTH.

this hotel was renovated to house women and children in transitional living situations

mostly we serve supper here, but last week we were invited to do some child care while the mommas went to a training

we're in.
hire a sitter.
have a 45 minute UNINTERRUPTED conversation in the car on the way there.
hang out with totally awesome people
and have ANOTHER 45 minute conversation on the way home.

we hold hands
and finish our sentences
for about 3-4 hours we don't have to wipe anyone's butt
it is total bliss

this particular day was my favorite so far.
we started indoors.
J got the older kids going on a VICIOUS game of Monopoly while I assembled legos (ahem...NOT my gifting, Lord, but I did my best) and colored pictures

when the heat of monopoly got too much to handle, we got adventurous and took the kids on a walk to a nearby park where they told us all about the different schools they had been in, how most of them didn't know their dads, which foster families they liked and how the food at the shelter in Chicago wasn't nearly as good as the food here :(

it was sad
but precious
and we got to hold their hands and tell them that they are dearly, dearly loved

i learned that this one wants to be an artist

and this one wants to "fix stuff"

at the end of the day, my heart was breaking but full
sad and happy
angry and overjoyed

before we returned them to their mommas, we got bear hugs and high fives and the deep down knowing that the promise is true....that every ounce of good we pour out is multiplied

over and over again

and returned to us, a double portion

pressed down and running over into our laps

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