Wednesday, July 9, 2014

June extras

oooooookay - so, i'm a little/lot behind on my blogging
i'm on summer vacation
i've stayed up until midnight for the past two weeks
i've got a sweet new phone that takes stellar pictures and uploading them to my blog is so easy a monkey could do it.

i have not one valid excuse in the entire world.

i am totally, 100% in summer mode
i will do what i want to do
when i want to do it


having said that, i'm in a bloggin' sort of mood tonight, so i plan to rip off a few

translation:  reading material comin' your way :)

june was heavenly
for real

it started with the whirlwind end of the school year and took us about two days to settle into a pattern of staying up late, sleeping until we can no longer stand the birds chirping their FOOL heads off and eating whenever/wherever food appears

this is how summer rolls at our house.

i always have high ambitions to start going to bed earlier and rising at acceptable times once august rolls around, but responsibility always loses the fight and my kids (and me!) are back to school in september wearing the jet lag of summer all over our faces.

speaking of faces....i do not have words
it is her father
his genetics
his lessons in placing index finger on the nose and staring at it

she seriously cannot stop herself and asks total strangers if they want to see it.

i cannot be held responsible for the goofy that occurs between my husband and firstborn

her sweet little sister is trying to make it happen, but her adorable face won't succumb to such horror

is this actually necessary?

i keep telling her that what comes around goes around and that if she continues to act this way she will have children who smash blueberries into the high chair nooks and crannies.

shall i walk?
i think i shall.

and just like that, she's entered the upright world with clunky, adorable, wonky step-step-steps

sweet sassy sunshine - these lazy days fill up my heart in ways i cannot describe

sand and sunshine,
popsicles and pools
books and more books
painted toenails and parades....

can my heart hold it all?

oh wait...lest you think it is all roses and daisies over here at the wacek household.
let me inform you that baby sparkle and her older sisters have taken to screaming at the top of their lungs in the car and then falling into fits of giggles.
they try to out-scream each other and think it is the most hilarious activity on the planet.

and i just smile and love the whole thing because who doesn't enjoy driving down the highway with 3 screaming kids?

no, never frustrates me.

but frustration gets kicked to the curb when we go to the dentist and this one comes along because she's about to have her first cleaning and we want her to see how totally not scary it is... the hygenist leaves to get something, she lays down and gives me these instructions (in her raspy little whisper voice):

"momma, i'll say i love you three times.  then you say 'i love you, too'.  ready?  i love you, i love you, i love you."

love you too, cupcake.

let's end the month on a high note - driving your baby sister in a jeep while wearing a crown.

pretty much sums it up.

whatever goes.
summer lovin'.
soak it in.

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