Sunday, July 27, 2014

Yippie I O

calling all cowgirls!
this happened two weeks ago, but who has time to document memories when they just keep coming one right after another??!?!

i'll have to make this one brief as i have a kitten crawling on the keyboard this very minute.

more about her later, but the short story is...we got a cat.
against J's better judgement
the kids begged.
he said no.
they begged some more.
he reminded us ALL what a train wreck our last pet adventure was.
i gave him the spiel about how our kids will have a VOID in their childhood if we don't provide pets for them.
he put his foot firmly down and said no.
then peach says over breakfast one morning, "i know that daddy doesn't want a cat.  but he loves us so much that i think he'll change his mind."
enter daddy's heart twisting and melting and him caving.
the end.

okay - back to the RO-DAY-O

we had never been to the Hamel Rodeo, but J's cousin told us it was a blast.
i decided that since we've read ALICE FROM DALLAS - cutest book at the library right now - at least 17 thousand times, we'd fit right in.....

we put on some fake tattoos and got our cowgirl groove on
it was a blast.
the kids made it until 10 before we chose to avoid the onset of total melt down and traffic jam in the parking lot.

we got to see the bucking horses (tulip's in the WORLD do they hang on for 8 seconds?  i'm serious, i'm all for adventure, but there is no way you would get me on one of those!)
the cowgirl barrel racers
the steer ropers (peach LOVED the lasso action)
and the buffalo

J talked like a cowboy the ENTIRE time and embarrassed us all
we ate overpriced popcorn and we will definitely go back

i mean, where else can you lasso a diaper bag
really, people...the kid has mad skills

yippie - i - oh....
good times at the rodeo!

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