Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Corn Capitol Days

weeeeellllll, howdy

it's been a while

we are soaking up the last days of summer and i will unashamedly admit that i have spent most of the past week sitting on the driveway and letting my home turn into the frat house that it currently resembles

good golly

we need school to start.

i mean, don't get me wrong.

i'm loving the lazy.

i adore the staying up late and sleeping until it's almost ridiculous to call the first meal of the day breakfast any more

i won't complain about being in pajamas until noon and the long, cool, beautiful evenings that turn into movie nights and kiddos falling asleep on the couch without proper brushing of teeth

but.....all good things must come to and end

we're starting to feel the need for routine and structure creeping in

good thing momma and daddy are going back to work on monday ;)

and in an effort to get myself semi-organized before the much-needed discipline of school kicks in, i'm trying to get caught up on a few summer happenings

'cause i was thinking that might be a good idea, ya know....before summer actually ends

rewind the tape to over a month ago:  corn capitol days in J's hometown

which just so happens to be the corn capitol of the world....not that we're bragging or anything

peach entered the tractor pull
(well, both peach AND tulip entered, but tulip's effort started and ended with a HUGE temper tantrum right in front of J's high school friends and all the neighbors that he grew up with.  nice.  they gave her a blue ribbon for doing absolutely nothing....what is this world coming to?)

but back to Peach....she cranked out quite the pull in the 90 degree humidity
and although she didn't win, we were proud that she gave it her best

maybe you can teach your sister a thing or two about effort before next year, huh?

grandma wasn't phased one bit by the scene made by our second born and showered her with rides, candy and all other manner of rewards for her pitiful behavior....what are grandparents for, if not for spoling?  ;)

we headed home sweaty and slightly embarrassed but Tulip tells us she'll have her game face on next year.

we'll see.....

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