Wednesday, June 10, 2015

May extras

well, may was a dozen shades of crazy with j coaching....

but we managed to have some fun and make some memories amidst the early mornings and late nights.

there were visits to the pond to see the baby geese

and playing in puddles

there were fresh summer haircuts

and chevron....because duh, who doesn't love chevron?

there were couch cuddles and birthday parties

there was lincoln log learning

and "suns out, guns out"

there was the receiving of a kindergarten diploma
and the holding back of tears

there was, "momma, can i hold him?"

there was choosing our own outfits
and dozens of opportunities for me to pick which battles to fight

and, finally, there was the last day....the very last day of kindergarten.

and when i look back on it all, how can i feel anything but grateful?

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