Tuesday, August 2, 2011

why i love cloth

I love cloth diapers.  Yes, you heard me right.  I know it sounds a little crazy.  And to be honest, there are times when I consider myself a little crazy.  But mostly, I adore the way these cozy cotton covers protect my babies.  So, I am devoting this post to the idea of cloth diapers in the hopes that it will explain why I am so committed to this time-consuming process.  
And so that someday my kids can understand why their bottoms looked so puffy.  :)

#1  They are soft...

#2  They must be changed often.  
Did you know that the chemicals in disposable diapers will hold up to 300 times their weight in tap water?  Most of the time, I like it that I have to change them frequently.  Just one more reason to peek at those chubby legs and kiss their sweet tummies.

#3.  They're kind to my babies and to the earth.

#4.  These diapers will have a purpose beyond my home.  
I'm planning to send them overseas to an orphanage when I'm done.

#5.  They're cute - just look at those buns! 
 (And with names like Happy Heinys, Bum Genius, Kissaluvs and Fuzzi Bunz, how could they not be adorable?)

...and the biggest reason I love them?  
#6.  I don't have to buy diapers every time I go to the grocery store.  :)  
Although I could never calculate exactly how much it would cost to use disposable diapers over the course of my children's babyhoods, I estimated around $2000-$3000 (depending on the brand) for two years of disposable diapers.  
Some websites I've checked out use similar figures.  I have gotten slightly addicted to trying new diapers and ordering online, but even with all I've invested, I've spent around $1000 and I'll be able to use these diapers for as many children as we decide to have.

But I haven't always loved cloth.  When I first started Peach in them (gosh...was she ever that small?) I had a love/hate relationship with these diapers.  The biggest problem was that I didn't know a single soul who used them.  I was completely in the dark.  

There were so many questions.  How do I wash them?  What kind of detergent should I use?  What happens when they start to stink?  Why are they leaking?  Hemp or cotton?  Bamboo or wool?  All-in-ones?  Pocket diapers?  What in the world does it mean to "strip" diapers?  How do I find clothes that don't make my babies look like they are wearing a mattress?  Will my day care be on board?  WHAT DO I DO WITH THE POOP?!  

One lone friend and I decided to give it a try.  We spent lots of time online and on the phone discussing the problems/issues we were having.  She and I could write a book about all we've learned.  It has been such an educational (and at times frustrating) process.

I must say that without Hubby's help, this would not have worked.  Not many men are willing to tackle something like this.  He's a gem for going along with these crazy ideas that I get. 

I'll admit that there were times I was ready to give up.  But, I had already invested money in these things and Hubby wasn't about to let me throw that away.  So, thanks to his encouragement (and the countless loads of diapers he has washed, dried and prepared for the next day), a few good blogs, and my stubbornness, we've stayed on this path...and I'm glad.   

Today, I can confidently say that I LOVE cloth diapers.  I mean I really love them...no amount of coaxing could bring me back to the days of disposables.

Don't get me wrong - there are MANY modern conveniences that I WOULD NOT BE WITHOUT!  We all choose the things that we are willing to invest in...the causes that we feel are most beneficial and purposeful.  I don't for one minute think that mommas who use disposable diapers are any less concerned for their babies than I am.  This is the thing that I'm willing to invest in.  Other moms have other passions that I admire, but just can't quite devote myself to.  I get that.  And I take my hat off to those of you who are fighting other worthy battles.

I'm still learning.  The more I read and try, the more I find that I need to adjust and change...maybe that is another reason that I've learned to appreciate these diapers.  They've taught me a lot about life.  It's a journey, right?  Nobody gets it right all the time.  But, if we keep persisting, we find that in the end, we really do love what we have.


  1. Love all the diapers on the clothes line! Now i'm curious, how do you handle the daycare situation? Does she just bag them up and send them home for you to deal with? Love Tulip's new patterned ones, super cute!

  2. thanks, amy! our day care is a saint to help us with this. her only request was that we have enough velcro diapers to send on daycare days. which, i can totally understand when i think of all the diapers she has to change in a day - snaps would just be a pain. anyway, we sent 4 or 5 diapers and a "wet bag" (special bag that keeps the stink from penetrating outward) and she gives us the bag full of dirty diapers at the end of the day. i get home, dump them in the washer and then dry them after i've put the little ones down. then they're ready for the next day!
