Sunday, July 31, 2011

blanketed in prayer

This blanket was hand made by someone in our church.  Tulip has lots of blankets, but this one is special because it is a prayer blanket.  The person who made it lovingly crocheted while she prayed for this little one whom she didn't know.  None of us knew little Tulip while this blanket was being made.  But we prayed.  I prayed.  Hubby prayed.  Strangers prayed.....

And now when I lay her on it, I think about how significant that is.  What a privilege to blanket my girls in prayer.  I just read this passage and it had new meaning to me today.  
And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God. 

I love it when I read something that I've read dozens of times before, but I suddenly see something new there.  I adore Paul's letter to the Phillipians.  As I read it this morning, I thought about that blanket and how I want to blanket these girls, my hubby, my students and my friends in prayer.  So, I've decided to commit this one to memory and pray it as often as I think of it.  

My favorite part is, " you may be able to discern what is best..."

That is a tough prayer...I know that God's best isn't always popular or easy.  When these babies grow into women and choose what they believe to be God's best, I might even disagree at times.  But His ways are higher than ours and I'm hoping that if I persist in prayer, I will often be able to say that they chose His best for their lives.

1 comment:

  1. My oldest daughter, Mallory, also has a prayer quilt that was made by some wonderful ladies in our church. She received it when she was around 4 and was having seizures. There are little strings on it that are tied for every person that prayed for her when she was sick. It is very special to her and to us as well. In fact, it is so special that we usually have it folded neatly away in her closet most of the time but when we need extra prayers we simply take it out and wrap her in it and pray together. I love that Tulip is being surrounded with the same!
