Wednesday, February 1, 2012

january extras

Geesh!  Wasn't I just sitting here writing about all that happened in December?  Time flies when you're havin' fun.
Check out the extras...

Tulip lovin' up the sock-puppy that she got for Christmas

gosh - she steals my heart with every look into those blue eyes

J dove into a little project I had planned for him...
removing the doors from our girls' closets and replacing them with rods and curtains

with all the independent playing Peach is now into, I was getting a little nervous about fingers pinched in folding doors

she loves the new look for her room and the new hiding spots these curtains have provided

Tulip is enamored with this long strip of fabric that my sister-in-law sewed together for her.  I stuff it into this ball and she giggles each time she pulls it out.

again!  again!

my little book worm got some new reading material for Christmas and she's been pouring over the pages on a daily basis

I also ordered her the Highlights High Five from a magazine fund raiser at school and her first issue came over Christmas break.
It is a great little magazine and I know she's going to look forward to getting these in the mail.
Lord knows we need something other than junk mail to look forward to know that Christmas card season is over!

Visited J's cousin and her family.  They have two boys that are the same ages as our girls.

Of all the books at our house, I'm so glad that she picks up the "Jesus One" (Bible) over and over and over again.

New recipe for Tulip - brussel sprouts and parsnips...
she wasn't too sure about this one, but I made it a little more palatable for her by adding applesauce

and I have taken to feeding this child in the nude...No matter how hard I try to keep her clothes clean, she is a disaster when meal time is over!

Peach had been complaining about the sun being in her eyes, so I got her a pair of her very own sunglasses.
And she actually keeps them on!

learning our letters via i.pad

i still cannot believe this happened
a walk outside in JANUARY!

J and Peach took the wagon to pick up a little friend for a play date


the kitchen has been worth its weight in gold...lots of play-time and imagination-building going on here

Peach cooked in her kitchen one day while J was busy making these  in the real kitchen

avocado-bacon-grilled cheese
they were sensational

J decided to grow the beard out this month

cucumber stew
what?  you've never had it?
might I suggest you try
all you need is a cucumber, some butter, two blueberries and a slice of bread

check out the little "wings" that are making an appearance behind Tulip's ears
might her hair be curly like big sis?
i'm predicting more wave than curl
we shall see...

look who discovered the tupperware cupboard....

Peach has decided that every single doll, stuffed animal and figurine in our home is named Gabriella.

I'm not sure why she's so into that name and it gets a little confusing when we're playing house, but she's got them all straight in her head, so I guess that's all that matters.

who is as cool as this diva?

she's in love with Mercy Watson these days, 
her favorite part being the fact that it is a CHAPTER book, so she gets to use a book mark

had a big 'ol birthday bash for one of the gabriella's one day
as I belted out "happy birthday gabriella", Peach gives me a stern look and tells me that I'm singing to the WRONG gabriella...
really?  tell me, how is that possible?

this one is totally into making slurping noises with her tongue
every time she does it she laughs like it is the funniest thing in the world...and it is.

yes, she checked out all FIVE of the Mercy Watson books from the library....walked right up to the librarian, asked where they were and stuck every last one in her bag
what can i say?
the girl knows what she wants.  

And there you have it...another month of cheek squeezin', forehead smoochin', pillow fightin', popcorn munchin', sweet, sweet memory makin' at the Wacek household.

Happy February.

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