Thursday, January 26, 2012

sick day

Tulip was running a little fever this week.
Ugh...this was NOT the week for fevers.
It's the week of conferences.
And every time conferences roll around, I hold my breath, cross my fingers and say a few little prayers that everyone stays healthy.
Because these are days that J and I just can't miss.

So far, we've been fortunate.
This time, I had to rely on an understanding administrator and flexible parents.
Thank goodness for both!

I was able to get most of my conferences in last night and schedule the rest for next week.

So, today, I stayed home with my sick girl...

She slept the morning away while Peach and I were busy in the kitchen making one of our favorites:  zucchini bread

I had frozen a bunch of pureed zucchini from the farmers market this fall and this delicious loaf required the last of our stash.  We'll have to enjoy this one and wait until summer for more.

poor girl

After our treat, Peach and I decided to check out the snow.
She's been wanting to make a snowman and I thought that it might just work.

So, we geared up and headed out.

Ahh, yes, this is what we've been waiting for!  Only a few inches, but enough to satisfy our hunger for snow angels.

Then the snowman began...

Soon it was taking shape and I ran in to get the supplies.

We got this kit as a gift last Christmas and this is the first time we've had it out.  Peach's favorite part was the bona fide corn cob pipe!  You don't see one of these every day.

After referring to "him" as a "snowman", Peach quickly informed me that this snow person was, indeed, a girl.

Meet Gabriella....

We were supposed to use the apples for eyes, but Peach wanted Gabriella to have ears.  So, we had to adjust a bit and use the buttons for eyes and wood chips for buttons.

After Gabriella was properly dressed and enjoying her pipe, we made a little runway down the slope of our yard.

And Peach squealed as I pushed her down, sending her twirling and giggling all the way.

A few more adjustments on Gabriella...wanted to make sure her scarf was cozy and her pipe secured before heading inside.

Upon entering the house and stripping off our wet clothes, we found this...

...fever free and ready to rock!

We spent the rest of the day playing, taking a bath, napping and watching Tom and Jerry.

It was all kinds of wonderful.

Not bad for a sick day.

1 comment:

  1. you are such an awesome family! glad gabriella enjoyed her pipe! thanks for sharing your day!
