Sunday, April 29, 2012

ONE little lady

one year ago today i was holding an itty bitty girl just four days new.

yesterday, we celebrated the turning of a year.

and because i know she won't remember the love that went into it, i'm gonna' document it here.

i'll let the pictures the tell the story....

Auntie H and Uncle L couldn't be with us today, but they provided the girls' outfits...just perfect!  One homemade and the other jumping right off the rack and into Auntie's cart.

i had a little different idea as to how the cupcakes would turn out.
but, my little helper wanted to take things a different direction and i decided to just roll with it.

our guests got into the lady bug theme - fun gifts!

this dog knows Tulip's name!

celebrating a year with this little love-muffin
did my heart some serious good.

thanks to all who joined with us in praising the good, good Lord for this beautiful life.


  1. I know who I am calling when I need a party planned! You have a calling my friend; author, photographer, party-planner!

  2. Love the Ladybug theme! Happy Birthday Tulip!
