Wednesday, May 16, 2012

this probably goes without saying, but:  i'm a do it yourself kind of girl

while there are many modern conveniences that I would not be without, I also thoroughly enjoy the learning that accompanies making something on my own.

and it's a very rare occasion when I find myself doing things the same way twice.
variety...yes, that's the spice that I love. 

I've tried homemade pop-sies a number of times before, but always ended up with a glorified ice cube of sorts.
not at all like the smooth, juicy, sweet store-bought kind.

The girls got these fun molds for Easter.
They were too cool NOT to try.  I mean, just LOOK at those awesome juice catcher/straw doohickeys!
I love it when something or someone inspires me to try again...go further...make it better.

a certain little someone just could not wait for the frozen version :)

this time around, I think I hit the nail right on the head.
they were scrumptious!
I even snuck a little flax seed in there and no one was the wiser
yeah, that's me - I live on the wild side like that.  :)

but, seriously - this practice of being intentional...
knowing the small amount of ingredients and large amount of love...
patiently waiting to devour something delicious...
well, it totally won over the instant gratification of store-bought yumminess.

and the mess, oh the mess!
i'm learning (slowly) that messes in this house usually accompany memories.
so, the floors are sticky
and i could have gotten by cheaper and a whole lot easier with a box of 12 from the store
but, that would have included nasty ingredients
and excluded the laughter and the love.

speaking of love....
i am in L.O.V.E. with these strange-looking little creatures

home made wool dryer balls

I was having some trouble with drying my diapers.
Found out all the despicable things that were coating our dryer drum from the softener sheets we had been using
Dialed up google and found out that I needed to replace those nasty dryer sheets with wool balls

but, who, in their right mind, would pay $35 for something they could spend $6 and 25 hours making on their own?
me....that's who :)
it took me about 15 you-tube videos to figure these babies out.

i got the wool straight off the sheep from a co-workers' neighbors' grandmother
complete with straw, sheep poo and all other manner of random junk

i washed the wool
dried it
picked through it
(did not spin wheel here..but i thought about it:)
wrapped it
felted it
admired it
forced J to ooh and aah over it, too
asking him not once, or twice...but probably at least a dozen times if he was proud of me

my diapers are now drying quite nicely
and my husband's dress pants are static-free
two stone

which brings me to more laundry love....

my momma always used to say that laundry was her life.
i didn't understand it...until we became a family of four.
and i'm now regretting all the times i rolled my eyes at her.
because, yes, laundry is my life as well.
and i can't even complain - J does most of the laundry and folds it - all i have to do is put it away - but even that is an endless cycle.  at any rate, finding something fun about the monotony of chores is a little trick that seems to help slip a little joy into the ordinary-ness of life.  and home made laundry soap does just that.

i've been making this for quite a while now.
1 tablespoon cleans a whole load
in one evening I can make enough to last us 8 months

it must be noted that I sacrifice the muscles in my left shoulder a hundred times over in order to grate that much goat's milk soap, but it provides for good prayer time and I can usually talk J into a back rub afterwards, so I figure it is a win/win situation.
as long as we're talking detergent, here's a new friend:

recently, i introduced my dishwasher to this lovely little homemade blend.
and it has been well-received.

these little lovelies were inspired by my dear friend, Jen...who also likes the do-it-yourself, put-in-lots-o-love, craft-it-up version of life
she and i agree that a few stray hot glue strands here and there add just the perfect touch to any project we tackle.
for this reason...and at least a hundred others...i love her heaps and heaps

all that to say this:
the teacher in me is constantly thirsty for learning, creating

knowing a little about this and a tad about that
being passionate about all kinds of things

 i guess that's me in a nutshell...

flowers with plaid
a lot of wave with a smidgen of curl
mismatched plates on my table
garage sale finds in every corner
walls decorated with no rhyme or reason other than that the things upon them make me happy 

make my life a patchwork quilt, please - put in lots of color and texture don't make any one square quite the same as any other...that's how I roll

it's who I've always been

and part of who this tribe is becoming.


and, in my humble opinion...
down.right  :)

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