Tuesday, June 12, 2012

#14 - ride a horse

I won't bore you with lengthy blog posts about each of the items on our summer fun list.

But number 14 was just way too fun not to share - ride a horse.

Our dear friend, Laurie, in her very generous and joyful style, invited our family out to her ranch yesterday morning.

And Peach was literally bursting with joy at the prospect of being up close with the horses.

On past trips to the ranch, her favorite horse has been Cocoa...(Peach likes to call her Cocoa Puff:).

But today she made a new friend:  Rooster T

When Laurie brought out the treats, Rooster came right over and made friends with Peach.

She was in a dither of giggles over his whiskery chin and slobbery lips.

He even showed us his teeth - gross!

After watching the horses and letting them get used to us for a bit, Laurie asked Peach if she'd like to brush Rooster T.

The answer was:  YES!  With several jumps up and down to make sure that Laurie knew she was serious.

Laurie, being the cowgirl that she is, suggested we find some proper attire for Peach while she cleaned out the stall.

There were TWO LARGE plastic totes full of boots to choose from.  Most of them were your typical brown, black, gray.

But waaaaay down at the bottom, Peach found these:

A few sizes too big, she pranced around in them like she owned the barn.

"Momma, I like how they make noise when I walk."

absolutely could not take her eyes off those boots

She sat and watched Laurie muck the stall while singing songs to Rooster T.

Then, she got to go right in and help brush him.
Laurie showed her how to use a curry comb and move it in circles to get the dirt off the horse.  She explained how horses like to roll in the mud to keep the flies from biting them and that if they don't have their coats brushed, they won't stay shiny.

Tulip had spent the beginning of our adventure asleep in the car.
Good thing it was a nice, cool day and she could sleep comfortably right outside the barn with the windows of the vehicle open.
When she did finally awake, she wasn't as gung-ho as her sister.
Every time Rooster made a noise, she started to whimper.

Next, Peach got to put on a helmet and hold the reigns (purple, of course!) while Laurie led Rooster out to the driveway.

Out in the yard, Peach found a turtle that she needed to inspect before her ride. :)

The saddle was so tiny!  It actually came from one of those horses that you can put a quarter in at the grocery store.  But, it was the perfect size for her little toosh!

What a magnificent animal!
Looking at him was a sweet reminder of what an amazing Creator God is!

This was no little pony.
My girl rode her first BIG horse!  She was so brave!
Even when he got flustered by some cows down the road, she held on tight and had quite the story to tell me when she returned!

"Horses walk in a rhythm...kind of like when you play the drums." - Laurie

and as they rode off, Tulip and I enjoyed a pear on the porch.

It was so peaceful....made me miss the days of growing up on a farm.

Maybe someday......

We said good-bye and gave Laurie some treats we'd baked up that morning.

Awesome way to start crossing off our list of summer adventures. :)
Thank you Laurie and Rooster T - we'll be back again soon!


  1. Hmmm.. 5 of my favorite people. Made me wish I was there too! Love you all!

  2. How beautiful. Wonderful memories for you and your girls.
