Saturday, September 22, 2012

feels like fall...

today was one of those fall days that you just want to drink straight from a cup....

or hold with two hands and sink your teeth right into...whichever you prefer  :)

i know its fall when long sleeves and tights get paired up with polka dot sneakers and we head over to our favorite orchard for apple cider donuts.

be still my heart....i don't know what was more delicious - the outfit Peach picked out all by herself or the sugar-coated heaven.

J limited himself to 3....and I wasn't about to out-eat him.
So I stopped myself there, too.
The good news is:  we bought an extra dozen for breakfast tomorrow - yippy skippy!

this little face will tell you that there is something oh-so-perfect about eating an apple picked straight from the tree :)

a cool wind under sunny was the perfect day for a walk through the orchard

right before we left, my bug-lovin' girl found herself a lady bug and named him Tex

such fun times....last year we only got here once....I'm hopin' there will be enough fall to get there again before next year.

but, if not, you can bet your boots i'll be savoring every bite of tomorrow's breakfast.

feels like fall....mmmmmmm
i'm about two seconds away from putting flannel sheets on my bed and bidding a final fare-well to warm weather.

happy, happy, happy me!


  1. Hey Leah,
    Looks like you guys had a great time. What orchard did you visit?

    1. it was a blast! we go every year to Fireside Orchard just outside of Northfield, not far off I-35
