Wednesday, December 3, 2014

November...hello and goodbye

i wrote "december 3rd" on the board at school this morning and it nearly took my breath away.

yikes!  did November actually happen??

i guess so....the proof is in the pictures

here goes:

we started it off with Tulip's first visit to the dentist.
she rocked it. the hygenist was impressed with her lovely set of chompers.  we'll just keep it our little secret that a few weeks later, while decorating the christmas tree, she grabbed a glass icicle off the tree and bit it in half.  

"mmmm, crunchy, momma!"

picking small shards of glass from a 3 year old's tongue and lips is really fun.  if you've never done it, you should try.

let's just hope her teeth look as good at our next visit. ;)

and wouldn't you know...she picked these sweet shades as her prize for being brave.

J and I scored a fun date night packing Thanksgiving bags at the Union Gospel Mission in St. Paul
we seriously love this place.  

if you want to do something beautiful...go here.
you won't be disappointed.

some friends from church gifted us with a tub full of barbies and horses, which has kept these little hands, busy, busy, busy on some cold, cold days.

there's been creating, of course.

and letters.

sister sunshine got a rainbow loom for her birthday and everyone in the neighborhood has received a bracelet to prove it.

Sparkle is starting to read books instead of ripping them....bless.

only one morning this month did the hubster get their jackets mixed up. ;)
but i cannot tell you how grateful i am to have someone i can trust to get three littles ready and out the door safely each and every morning.

it is a JOB.

and he does it well.

obviously, well enough to keep his wits about him and even remember to take a picture of the memory.

sadly, we ended the month with sick kids over the holidays.
(for the love!  kudos AGAIN to the man that sat with this one in a steamy bathroom at 2 am to help with her barky cough, writing words on the wet mirror and singing silly songs.)
but everyone is on the mend now and it's back to school we go!

the tree is up and we sing Christmas music while eating breakfast so all is well again in the world.

more on Peach's birthday love coming soon!

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