Thursday, July 7, 2011

sweet relief

It was a scorcher the other day, so in an effort to beat the heat, we headed to a nearby water park and cooled off.

Peach brought a friend precious how they share so much with so few words.  Just being close is enough.

Tulip spent the day in the shade...can't wait for her to be able to join in the fun.  However, the snuggles in the cool tent were absolutely divine.

How could I ever forget her squeals and laughter?  Splashing around in the water made Peach absolutely giddy.....

Snack break..Peach tells me that snacks make her tummy happy.  :)  She packed suckers, crackers, cookies and gummi bears for her and her friend.  I'm so proud of that generous heart.  We've been praying for that quality in her and I see the Lord providing.  After her buddy left for a nap, she even found some other kids at the park to share was a proud moment for me.
Now, if I could just get her to share her toys...keep filling her, Lord.

We left the park absolutely exhausted, but full of joy.  She's napping next to me as I type this and I'm looking at those sweet blonde curls.  This being a mom thing can sure be tough....but I'm promising myself not to wish one minute of it away.

1 comment:

  1. You seem to relish every moment, Leah. Your Peach-noticing way fills me with joy. Every detail savored. My Mama always said every age was her favorite.
