Saturday, July 9, 2011

time with tulip

It's not often that I get to spend time alone with Tulip.  But the other day, Peach and Hubby took extra long naps.  That meant that Tulip and I got some special time together....and it was just what my heart needed.

I just looked at her and wondered....

...those tiny toes...
where will they take her?

...those sweet fingers....
what will life find for her hands to do?

...those ears, eyes, lips...
...that nose...
who will she listen to?
what will she see?
what will she have to say?

...and oh, that face...just look at those cheeks!

...will anyone ever love her face as much as I do?
...who will she become?

I cherished every minute of looking into those dreamy eyes and telling my Tulip how very much she means to me.  It was such a blessing to whisper to her how much better my life is now that she's in it.  How I thought I had been blessed beyond belief and then the Lord gave me her.  I was happy before she came.  Now I am twice as blessed...twice as happy...twice as full.

And she just smiled like she understood every word.

Later, Peach woke up and joined us on the floor.

I am thrilled to see their bond growing every day.  There is already something wonderful there...something special and silent growing between those two hearts.

my did I get so lucky?

It ended with Peach reading a story to Tulip and my heart melting.  It's not always this peaceful and serene, but when it is, I thank my lucky stars that this is my life.  

1 comment:

  1. Leah me Love ~ Your gratitude is unspeakably refreshing. Thank you
