Wednesday, September 7, 2011

first things first

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."  Matthew 6:33

This verse has been on my mind lately.  I just keep coming back to it.  It's one of those things that I haven't been able to ignore.  I figure that if Jesus said it, it must be important.  

Sounds simple HIM first.  So, I've been trying to SEEK HIM....FIRST...

before laundry
before exercise
before correcting papers
before sleep
before blogging
before calling that friend that I've been meaning to call
before the dishes
before the kids get up

at the BEGINNING of naptime...not the end

Let me tell you...this hasn't been easy.  And I've failed more times than I care to admit.  It seems like the minute I have time to myself, I can think of dozens of things that I either want to do or have to do.  But on the rare occasion that I do say "no" to the endless to-do list, and "yes" to sitting at the feet of the KING, it has been well worth it.  

Our pastor is a fan of the phrase, "You can't out-give God."  I have found that to be so true of financial giving.  Now I'm finding it is true with my time as well.  When I give him my first and my best, he always finds a way to return it to me.  Naps often last a little longer than expected.  Opportunities to get things done present themselves when I least expect them.  Just when I think that I'm on the verge of insanity, Hubby rides in on his white horse and folds the load of laundry that has been staring at me all day.  I'm finding that when I give God my prime best most alert time, He's multiplying my energy and blessing the work of my hands.

I'm also seeing Him at work in answered prayers for my little family.  Here's an example:

Each night, before I put the girls to bed, I pray for them.  I pray for lots of things, but I always end the prayer with a request that the Lord would fill them with the fruits of the Spirit.  

"Lord, let her overflow with your love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  In Jesus' name, Amen."

Last night I was reading to Peach.  I really try to make that time sacred.  There are so many moments in the rest of the day when I say " a minute..." or "...I'll be right there..."  But story time is special and I try to make it uninterrupted.  

Well, things weren't going so smoothly.  Tulip was in a mood and I kept having to stop the story to get her settled.  Finally, I told Peach that she'd have to look at the pictures by herself until I could put Tulip to sleep.

I was expecting a tantrum.  I was expecting, "Momma, this is our special time!  Why are you letting HER have MY time?"  That's what I would have been feeling if I were Peach.

But, instead, she gently rubbed her sister's head and gave her a kiss.
She said, "It's okay, baby."  
She quietly looked at her pictures while I soothed Tulip and put her to bed.

As I whispered that prayer over Tulip, she stopped crying and smiled.

Now, I can't say that things go like this all the time.  That would be untrue. Peach has her fair share of acting like a typical 2-year-old.  I lose my patience from time to time.  Tulip has moments when I feel like she is as far from peace as she could get.  However, as I was rocking Tulip, I bowed my head and thanked God that He is real...that He is active...that He listens.  I told him how grateful I am that in a world with billions of people, he hears me.  

Paul tells us in First Thessalonians to "pray continually".  That's a tall order, but a necessary one.  The older and hopefully wiser I get, the more I realize that I want to be the kind of person who needs communication with the Lord.  I want to need it like I need air.

Back to last night with the girls....what a gift to SEE God answering my prayers in the development of Peach's character.  She's not perfect, but God is showing me that when I seek him first, he responds.  He is showing me the importance of asking for BIG THINGS and asking for them OFTEN.  He is showing me that my little voice does indeed reach his throne.


  1. Thank you for sharing your Journey's bumps and triumphs. Love you so, Krug!!

    I wish there were 2 million more God-seeking Mothers like you. Maybe there are but I don't frequent their blogs. I hope they are out there scattering Kingdom seed in the soil. Like you, Leah K.W.
