Monday, March 26, 2012


we've had some firsts worth mentioning around here...

Peach was deliriously happy about being invited to her first birthday party (besides her own)

we got crafty and made some sweet hair clips for her little friend
and a frame with ribbons to organize them

wrapped it all up with purple and pink polka dots, put on a special party dress, did her hair up in piggies and you would have thought this girl was the mayor of our town, parading around, announcing the festivities and waving the gift for everyone to see.

on our walk to the birthday party, she asked if every single house we passed was the party house...
and I giggled, looking back into the wagon at her happy little face and trying to remember the last time I was this excited about something.

two hours later we went to pick her up and she reported that it was everything she'd hoped for:

chocolate ice cream
a project
playing outside
and the birthday song.

her birthday-lovin' heart was full.
no, make that overflowing.

And as if all that wasn't enough excitement,
Tulip has taken her first steps.
Wobbly toddles, swaying back and forth.
Arms waving like helicopter blades.
She knows she's on to something big...

Stumbling over and over again, she continues to get up.
Stick that tongue out.
Try again.
Make it better.
Go further.

No looking back.

And my heart swells.

A reminder that the pursuit of what is good is usually not easy.
And can sometimes leave you downright exhausted.
But reaching the goal is oh so worth it in the end.

These girls...

They don't know it, but as I'm teaching them about walking and waiting and manners and letters, I'm also learning....

About finding joy in the littlest things.
And perseverance.
And determination.

And how to savor every last drop of this one, wild and wonderful life.


  1. I'm here! So happy to read your Carpe Diem moments with your Girls. Priceless

  2. cannot wait to see them in real life this weekend! anything on cara's birthday list??
