Thursday, July 12, 2012

#3 cedar lake

the summer fun list is getting shorter and shorter as we cross off our adventures.

earlier this week we had the perfect day for number 3:
spend an afternoon at Cedar Lake

we splashed around like fish for the better part of an hour and then headed up the hill to have a snack near the big, beautiful barn

it was a picturesque backdrop for throwing frisbees and chasing squealing little ladies

with every check off the list, my heart sinks just a little, then swells to twice its size

it sinks....because the tick tock of the clock just doesn't stop
summer won't last forever
the items checked off the list now outnumber the items left
and that means that we're closer to the end than we are to the beginning

but then it swells because i know that each intentional adventure weaves our bond a little tighter and etches memories in the story of our family

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